Friday, August 28, 2009

Thursday, August 27, 2009

A good end to to LONG day! I was up and on the road by 7 a.m. this morning and headed to Canada. Thanks to some entertaining phone calls before I crossed the border, the morning went quickly. It took about 30 minutes in line, - enough time for me to stash the marijuana before the border patrol got to my car. (just kidding, students!) and they looked at my passport and that was all. They asked what I did for a living and if the dogs were vaccinated. So, fellow RVer’s - at Milltown, New Brunswick, there was no dog food check, no wine check, no amount of meat check at all. They also asked if I had fire arms, which I don’t.

Nothing else happened until I got on the road to Fundy National Park. About 6 miles out, there was a flagman and as he let us go through, there was NO ROAD! It had been bulldozed and just a trough was there about 8 feet lower than the road had been. It was a disaster! I was in ruts bigger than my tires! I drove about 4 miles an hour for 5 miles and finally got here about 5:50 p.m. after losing another hour (now on Atlantic Daylight Time).

But the campground is great – tall trees, nice sites. I could hardly get set up for all the people coming to see the dogs and meet me. I now know where to hike, where to buy live lobster, where to get good take-out seafood and why this is the best campground to stay at! Good ole RV park reviews on the internet had already told me that. And best of all ------ it is COOL! I’m in sweats and it is 51 degrees outside.

Tomorrow, I plan to sleep in (ha!), go see the Fundy tides (more about that tomorrow) and hike with the pups!

I drove to the little village this evening. It is so picturesque! There are three or four seafood restaurants, two inns, a general store, two gift shops and a small harbor full of shrimp and fishing boats. I plan to spend the day! There is supposedly free WIFI just down the street in the little village, so I’m going to send this tomorrow so family (and a friend or two) will know I arrived. Hurricane Danny had better STAY AWAY!

Friday afternoon, August 28

It is a perfect day! When I woke up in my little house this morning, it was 50 degrees! Nice and crisp! I turned on the little electric heater instead of the furnace and it warmed up nicely.

The pups and I explored the Bay of Fundy. The Bay of Fundy is phenomenal. It’s one of nature’s anomalies – as the tide comes into the bay, it “sloshes” like in a bathtub creating a very high wall of water on one end and as it “sloshes” back every 6 hours, it creates a very low water line, creating beaches that weren’t there. The rise is between 24 and 40 feet every twelve hours, and at low tide, you can walk all over the beach. We hiked to a beautiful waterfall and drove through part of the park – it is HUGE! The bay itself it hundreds of miles long and runs along New Brunswick on the west and Nova Scotia on the east.

I’ve been enjoying this crisp 70 degree weather and just relaxing this afternoon. I plan to go into the village and look around and maybe pick up some scallops for supper.

Fellow RVers – do not miss this part of North America. Terry and Carolyn – I’m so sorry you aren’t here, but you’ve got to make it here next year. The scenery is breathtaking. The national park sites are quite spacious and about a kilometer from the village. Just perfect!

The Atlantic maritime area is fabulous!

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